Over the last years, we have measured more than one hundred thousand kilometres throughout Europa, North Africa, the Middle East, and even the USA and Canada. If we were to put all the kilometres on the equator, the length would be the same as going around the World four times. More than 1500 youngsters have participated in our trips, and over 2000 have participated in our other events and projects In the spring of 2020, we decided to try something completely new - together we went to explore America and Canada. That was unusual for us because we were only a small group of 25 people for the first time and instead of a bus, we flew to our destination by airplane. In addition to this pilot project, in 2019, we built a mobile cafe whose income we donated to charity. Like this we worked all summer in Jurmala. After a successful pilot project at the end of the summer, we got a chance to move to a larger and independent home in the heart of Riga Old Town. Right now the place not only works as a cafe but also is a cultural space for youth and other enthusiasts. Cooperating with many active young people, the FISOM soup kitchen was born as well as an employment promotion project and other projects you will find out about very soon.
FISOM isn’t only about traveling we focus on creating an environment, a place where young people have the opportunity to think outside the box; be aware of the values of life and their own potential; estimate their priorities; see the big picture… The FISOM team believes that helping other human being is the biggest accomplishment. It is the part of the mission that our team carries around the world. We are a non-governmental, non-profit organisation, to which any young person or dreamer can turn with their idea and with our encouragement and helping hand we can make it happen. We team up with the best experts in Latvia, so that the end result would be the best possible. There are not many of us, but we are ready to do great things.
We will change the world together - starting with ourselves. We believe that the definition of the concept of freedom depends on the wisdom and the state of mind. Wider the field of vision, the greater the freedom, so we chose to call the foundation “Freedom is a state of mind”. Our dream is educated, intelligent, curious young people who want to see and reach new horizons. We have no doubts that one of the ways to fulfill it is hoping in a new adventure, in a journey, during which we will be happy to meet you and quite likely become partners in another FISOM project. By getting to know new countries, cities, and people, as well as tasting freedom, people are able to look at things much more broadly and approach the processes around them, including education, with a completely different motivation. By setting an example and giving opportunities to others, we are ready to make the world a better place for ourselves and others. Dare to change ourselves is a step closer to changing Latvia and one day also the world, which together we can only do. We are doing a lot and we are happy about it, but we will not stop - this is just the beginning.
Everyone has their own interests and hobbies, so we decided that the usual guided tours are not meant for us. For a long time now, in cooperation with the Latvian Academy of Culture student Eliza Ramza, we have developed an unusual approach to guided tours - audio tours. During each of our trips, whether we travel by bus or plane, a 20-minute audio file is sent almost every day. In the recording, we introduce the city we are currently in, with its traditions, culture and various interesting facts of the particular country and city. For example, where in the city is the best local cafe or thrifting store. These audio tours are made specifically for youth and they highlight the various opportunities that the city offers, whether, for example, classical art or houses marked by suburban graffiti are closer to the person’s individual taste.
In addition to audio tours, there are two guides - one with 10 free sightseeing objects and the other with 10 paid. Both guides include information about transport to the location, opening hours, and ticket price. We give a chance to choose but, of course, we always suggest exploring cities from different points of view because it is the main purpose of the trip. Here is a small excerpt from audio tours.
In the beginning, FISOM focused on budget-friendly transport, which most of the time were not the newest and comfiest buses. After several weeks on the bus, in total even months, it became undeniable - comfort is important. In order not to cause unwanted surprises, as well as to increase passenger comfort and the capacity of the luggage compartment, the team came to the conclusion that it is necessary to look for alternatives. Successfully we managed to accomplish that.
While making the route and analyzing expenses, it was concluded that VIP class busses are not only more comfortable but also financially convenient. With this kind of bus, we can save on toll roads and fuel - up to 30%, as well as they are more environmentally friendly, which, in our opinion, is a very important factor. We have also posted a couple of pictures for information, allowing you to see your potential home for a couple of weeks.
Viena no manām spilgtākajām atmiņām ir mans uzvaras kāpiens Gibraltārā. Agrāk nevarēju pat iedomāties, ka tas ir manos spēkos. Braucienā piedalījos viena, bet iepazinos ar tik daudz superīgiem cilvēkiem, ka tas palīdzēja tikt līdz pašai virsotnei. Sēdējām kalngalā līdz saule norietēja. Es aizmirsu visas savas problēmas. Paldies fisom!
- Alise Zvirgzdiņa
Es fisom projektā piedalījos 2019 gada vasaras braucienā pa Eiropu. Būs ļoti grūti nosaukt spilgtāko piedzivojumu, bet ja man ir kāds jānosauc, tad tas būtu pavadītā diena Venēcijā, 4 stundu ‘napiņš’ uz soliņiem kādā parciņā. Es domāju, ka visas ēdienreizes arī bija ļoti interesantas, tieši lokācijas ziņā, piemēram vakariņas Budapeštā, sēžot uz siltajām flīzēm pretī Ungārijas parlamenta ēkai ar 365 tornīšiem un tas kā mēs skaitījām cik, tad to tornīšu ir.
- Elīza Paškeviča
Visvairāk es gaidīju Itāliju un tieši Romu, jo man kā mākslas cilvēkam tur gribējās būt. No rīta ar vilcienu un metro devāmies uz pilsētas otru galu, lai sāktu savas dienas ekskursiju. Uzbraucot augšā, no metro, pavērās pasakains skats - kolizejs visā savā krāšņumā un, reizē ar skaistumu, pār mums arī pārvēlās karstuma vilnis. Šodien tikai ēnā lūdzu! Tā arī centāmies visu dienu pavadīt, jo mums ziemeļu cilvēkiem tas ir pa karstu. Tālāk jau apskatījām forumu, Tēvzemes altāri, kurā ieejas maksa tieši tajā dienā nebija jāmaksā. Pusdienās, protams, itāļu ēdiens - pasta, vēlāk saldējuma koktelis pie Trevi strūklakas un Pantenons, kurā arī iekšā var tikt bez maksas. Dienas beigās pārgurušas - 16km noieti
Dodoties Fisom vai arī jebkurā ceļojumā svarīgākais ir izplānot savu maršrutu un atklāt iespējas, tā kā darījām to mēs, - atradām vietas, kur ieejas konkrētās dienās ir bez maksas, atradām īsāko ceļu, lai apskatītu visu ko vēlējāmies.
Paldies par iespēju.
- Aija Serbe